In English

How to help us?

Father Alexander Menn Orthodox Open University is a non-profit organisation; we work to carry over the tradition of Father Alexander Menn - tradition of education and enlightenment in the wide field of humanities. Our highly skilled tutors work entirely on voluntary basis. If you support our cause and are able to provide us with financial support of any extent, we would be really grateful.

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[note_box]р/с 40703810200120000028, БИК 044525219, к/с 30101810500000000219 «Bank of Moscow» Moscow[/note_box]

Father Alexander Menn Orthodox Open University

Father Alexander Menn Orthodox Open University is a living memorial to one of the greatest Christian leaders of this century. Father Alexander was a theologian and talented writer, a gifted preacher and active pastor, whose works first appeared abroad and were not published in Russia until the 1990's. Despite this, Father Alexander's books have always enjoyed great popularity. In 1988 Father Alexander started lecturing on the Bible and on Christian thought. Thousands of people used to attend his lectures and thus made their first step towards Jesus Christ.